• Research,  Teaching,  Web 2.0

    Embracing Equity: The Power of Interactive Digital Notebooks

    Interactive Digital Notebooks (IDNs) are one of my favorite digital tools that can offer many benefits for educators, students, and school librarians alike. Let’s explore some of the advantages of uses these with students and in my case teachers.  They positively impact education in so many ways.  Interactive Digital Notebooks are a way to organize information in their essence. “A tool that allows students to learn interact with, reflect on, fill out, all digitally. It empowers students by teaching 21st century skills as well as taking ownership of their study time using digital tools.  It is not just a Just a slideshow with links and pictures.  It is so much…

  • Google,  Web 2.0

    Google Classroom: Share to the Classroom

    I was very excited about Google Classroom when it first came out and was one of the few that got access pretty early on.  My Tech coordinator was intrigued as was I.  I started to play with it and found I could not do everything I wanted to do: More than One Teacher Online Rubrics (Goobric) Comment on Documents when first created Add students outside my domain I am happy to say that these issues have been fixed.  It is not the robust LMS of something like Schoology but it really gets the job done very relative ease.  Co-teachers can now both be in the class (as educators/admins) within Google…

  • Research,  Web 2.0


    Quite awhile ago I talked about how I found the livebinders site a bit clunky.  Well I must revise my statement because the site has worked very well for several research projects I have been doing.  It is so nice to be able to embed websites within one website.  This is extremely helpful with databases because no one can ever find the sheet with the passwords.  We want students, staff, and parents to access and utilize the resources we sink tons of money into.  They are fabulous resources and anything I can do to increase use and accessibility is key. In terms of how I have been using the product.…